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Aquarium bio filter media ceramic tube Bacteria house fish tank water filter 水族箱生物过滤介质陶瓷管细菌屋鱼缸水过滤器
Product model:HZ-Far-infrared Bacteria
Product origin:Jiangxi China (Mainland) 江西萍乡
Release date:2018-07-25
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Consulting phone:0799—6611629
Key word:Aquarium bio filter media ceramic tube Bacteria house fish tank water filter 水族箱生物过滤介质陶瓷管细菌屋鱼缸水过滤器
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Detailed introduction


Far-infrared bacteria house main raw material is tourmaline, it will be electrified by electrostatic effect, because of its unique chemical properties, it can radiate far infrared, stimulate the negative oxygen ions, to promote the metabolism of fish, kill harmful bacteria, improve the oxygen capacity.This filter also contains kaolinite, can supplement rich minerals and trace elements.Under certain conditions, these substances will decompose slowly and be absorbed by fish.Far infrared bacteria house with porous structure, to promote the proliferate of beneficial bacterium, its huge specific surface area make it have stronger ability of ecological filter processing.

Material: Kaolinite and Tourmaline

Production:1300 high-temperature calcination


*原料:高岭土 电气石


Specification Parameter/ 规格参数